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11月8日 Hiroyuki Sagawa:QCD sum rule approach to Charge symmetry breaking EDF
2024-11-08 15:00:00
活动主题:QCD sum rule approach to Charge symmetry breaking EDF
主讲人:Hiroyuki Sagawa
开始时间:2024-11-08 15:00:00

Hiroyuki Sagawa教授是日本理化学研究所仁科中心和会津大学数理学中心教授与主任、国际知名的原子核物理学家。1975年毕业于日本东北大学后,先后在世界各地的顶尖研究机构如丹麦的Niels Bohr研究所、美国密歇根州大学、日本东京大学以及荷兰阿姆斯特丹核能与高能研究所等地进行研究工作。同时,还担任法国巴黎南大学、瑞典Lund institute of technology和意大利Milano University的客座教授。在原子核物理领域,Sagawa教授在核结构、核转动、巨共振、张量相关的HF计算、弱束缚核中对关联效应和双核子关联、QCD求和规则、电荷对称性破缺等方面取得了突出成就。他在顶尖学术期刊如PRL、PPNP等发表了500多篇重要学术论文,并撰写了多本包括量子力学在内的教科书。他的研究成果在国际上产生了深远影响,为原子核物理领域做出了重要贡献。


Microscopic approach based on quantum chromodymanics (QCD) is the most challenging ab initio theory for nuclear structure physics.  In this respect, QCD sum rule gives a powerful tool, but numerically not highly demanding, to cross a bridge the QCD and hadron spectroscopy such as meson and baryon masses in terms of chiral symmetry breaking due to quark condensation. In nuclear medium, a partial restoration of the chiral symmetry breaking is found in the pionic atom experiments. In my talk, I will present the QCD sum rule approach to the anomaly in the mass difference of mirror nuclei, known as Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer (ONS) anomaly, which is not yet solved by fully microscopic theory.  Our approach is intimately related with the partial restoration of the chiral symmetry  breaking in nuclear medium and provides a quantitative solution of the ONS anomaly in the mass difference between protons and neutrons in nuclear medium.  I will also mention the charge symmetry breaking effect in hyper nuclei which is observed recently.

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