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9月29日 Wilfried Winiwarter:Controlling nitrogen pollution to resolve multiple environmental impacts and integrate across policy fields
2024-09-29 09:00:00
活动主题:Controlling nitrogen pollution to resolve multiple environmental impacts and integrate across policy fields
主讲人:Wilfried Winiwarter
开始时间:2024-09-29 09:00:00

Wilfried Winiwarter教授,奥地利国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)资深学者,主要从事气候变化、空气污染、碳氮循环等相关研究。在Nature、Science、PNAS及其子刊发表论文200余篇。目前担任德国波茨坦农业技术与生物技术研究所(ATB)科学顾问委员会主席。曾担任国际氮行动组织(INI)欧洲中心主任(2013-2016年)和奥地利科学院气候与空气质量委员会副主席(2013-2023年)。曾获IPCC颁发2007年诺贝尔和平奖个人贡献表彰证书。


Many environmental problems are caused or connected with the release of nitrogen compounds to the environment. With the doubling of the global nitrogen cycle due to human activities, also emissions have been on the rise. Impacts of nitrogen pollution range from human health (air pollution from particulate matter, nitrate drinking water pollution) to ecosystems damage (eutrophication or acidification of soils), from climate impacts (nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas) to crop damage (as a consequence of tropospheric ozone). Addressing nitrogen compounds in an integrative manner allows for new perspectives, tackling a series of impact categories simultaneously and reaping the co-benefits of solving multiple environmental issues at once. This presentation will demonstrate – based on a series of modelling approaches – how measures across all economic sectors can be optimized and plausible scenarios of future situations developed at multiple spatial scales. Here air quality modelling or substance flow analysis (as in nitrogen budgets) accompanies the GAINS model in providing optimized solutions to achieve given environmental targets of diverse policy fields at lowest implementation costs.

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