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8月15日 岳晓航:Impact of Channel Co-opetition and Taxes on a Multinational Firm’s Resilient Local Production Decision
2024-08-15 10:00:00
活动主题:Impact of Channel Co-opetition and Taxes on a Multinational Firm’s Resilient Local Production Decision
开始时间:2024-08-15 10:00:00

岳晓航,美国威斯康星大学米尔沃基分校(The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee )教授,其主要从事供应链与物流管理、生产与市场管理和工业制造系统管理的研究工作。国家级人才计划入选者,相关研究发表在Operations Research、Information System Research、Production and Operations Management等国际顶级期刊。


In this paper, we focus on the decision of a multinational firm (MNF) on production strategies under the influence of national culture. The national culture of a country can result in a high preference for openness or self-reliance, and such preference changes over time. The related government policies have a strong impact on the MNF’s decision whether to produce overseas and sell products in the domestic market or produce locally for domestic selling. We find that when the factory establishment variable cost is low and the fixed cost is in a moderate range, the MNF’s preference over production strategies switches from local production to overseas production and then back to local production, as the channel substitutability increases.

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