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1月10日 Neil Corzo:Waveguide-coupled single collective excitation of atomic arrays
2021-03-29 22:19:32
活动主题:Waveguide-coupled single collective excitation of atomic arrays
主讲人:Neil Corzo


  Professor Neil Corzo received his PhD degree from CINVESTAV-México in 2012. During his PhD, he did a 4-year-long research stay at the Laser Cooling and Trapping Group at NIST (Maryland, USA). He did two postdoctoral research stays, the first one at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA), and the second one at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Paris, France). For the latter, he was awarded a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Commission (2014-2016). Currently, he is a Professor CINVESTAV-México.

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